Inbox Help
Is my sitter profile approved?

Rover will email you once your profile has been approved, but there are a couple of other ways to check on your profile’s status, which we'll review below.


Profile banner

If you log into your Rover account on a computer or mobile browser, and you’ve recently been approved, you’ll see the banner below. This means your profile is live! Note: this banner will disappear once your profile has been live for a couple of weeks.



View profile

You can also confirm your profile's approved and live by logging in and navigating to the rate section. Here's how:

1. Log into your Rover account on a computer or mobile browser.

2. Navigate to your Dashboard by selecting your name in the upper right corner of the screen.

Dashboard O sitter UK.png

3. Select View Profile in the upper left side of the screen.

View profile Olivia for S UK.png

4. If your profile is approved, you will see the following message:

SSU new S approved UK.png


If your profile isn’t approved, yet you’ll see the text “Coming Soon” under your name:

SSU new S not checked UK.png


Not sure why your profile isn't live yet? Check out this article to get a better understanding of your profile's status:

How long will it take Rover to review my profile?