Inbox Help
Where do I find a sitter's contact information?

The contact information you see for a sitter will vary depending on whether you've booked with them.

Before booking

After booking


Before booking

For privacy reasons, Rover doesn’t display a sitter’s contact information until you’ve booked with them. The best way to communicate with a potential sitter is through Rover Messages. Remember, you can call or text the sitter or dog walker using their Rover number. Rover numbers allow pet owners and sitters to call and text each other while keeping their actual phone numbers private. Unique Rover numbers are assigned to each pet owner/sitter relationship.

To begin a conversation, go to the sitter’s profile page and select the Contact button.

Contact S button profile UK.png


After booking

After you’ve booked and paid for a service, you can find your sitter’s contact information in the Upcoming bookings section of your inbox. You'll also receive a confirmation email which includes this information on the itinerary.

  • The sitter's Rover phone number and address will be displayed if you have booked Boarding or Day Care.
  • The sitter's Rover phone number will be displayed if you booked House Sitting, Dog Walking or a Drop-In Visit.